Bleed for those who need! | iinfo TZANEEN

Blood means life. A shortage of it would obviously imply a higher probability of death. A sad, but imminent fact, is that accidents are a lot more prevalent during public holiday seasons whether it be the Easter (Passover) holidays or the festive season around Christmas in December.
The South African National Blood Service (SANBS), an organization of voluntary, non-remunerated blood donors, urges regular donors as well as first-time donors to rise to the occasion. You can donate before going on holiday, or wherever you are during the holidays. Your blood will be welcome all over as up to three lives can be saved by one donation. If you have ever wanted to give to someone in need (of life), this is an ideal opportunity.
SANBS provides an essential service within South Africa and is rated amongst the best in the world in the provision of blood and blood products, as well as in relation to the research and training provided.
The mission of SANBS is to provide all patients with sufficient, safe, quality blood products and medical services related to blood transfusion, in an equitable, cost effective manner.
The services provided include blood donation, blood transfusion services, blood pressure monitoring, blood supply, safekeeping and management.
The main difference between blood groups or types, is that some blood types have certain molecules while others don't. This helps to identify which patient can use which blood type effectively. Take a look at the four main groups and their uses below.
Type A
In South Africa, an estimated total of 37% of citizens belong to either A positive (A+) or A negative (A-) groups. Can donate to: Type A, Type B. Can receive from: Type A, Type O.
Type B
Roughly 14% of South Africans fall into either the B positive (B+) or B negative (B-) blood group. Can donate to: Type B, Type AB. Can receive from: Type B, Type O.
Type AB
Type AB is the rarest with only 4% of South Africans having this blood type. People who have AB positive (AB+) blood are universal recipients (can receive blood from any other blood group). Can donate to: Type AB. Type AB+ can receive blood from any donor and Type AB- from other negative types such as O-, A-, B- and AB-.
Type O
In South Africa, Type O is the most common blood group (45% of the population). People with O negative (O-) blood are universal donors, as their blood can be used by anyone. Type O positive (O+) can donate to all positive types O+, A+, B+ and AB+. Type O- can donate blood to anyone. Type O+ can receive blood from other O+ donors, type O-from O- and O+ donors.
The SANBS address in Tzaneen is 15B Peace Street in the CBD. For information, call 0800 119 031 or visit the website:

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