Girls go Gatsby @ Damestee / Ladies Tea - Taste of Tzaneen Fest 2017 | iinfo TZANEEN

Belinda (Bam) van den Bergh is die spreker by die Taste of Tzaneen Fest Damestee, Saterdag 4 November om 11:00 by Fairview Hotel. Heel gepas is haar tema: Smaak en sien dat die Here goed is! (Psalm 34:9)
Belinda is dikwels saam met haar man, Johan van den Bergh, betrokke by vroue-, manne-, tiener- en huwelikskampe. Sy was jare lank in die toerisme-bedryf en het 'n wildsplaas/lodge bestuur. Die Here het haar in dié tyd omgedop en vrygemaak van baie dinge – haarself inkluis, sê sy.
Belinda en Johan woon naby Letsitele. Sy doen die boeke van hul eie besigheid. Sy en Johan het 'n seuntjie van 2 jaar oud (Joubert) en vir Johan se drie kinders uit sy vorige huwelik, JP (21), Kevin (18) en Simoné (17) is sy so lief soos vir haar eie.
Haar toekomsvisie is om net in God se wil te bly, om te gaan waarheen Hy hulle stuur en om te doen wat Hy vra.
Die Yadah dansgroep sal ook tydens die tee optree. Die tema van die damestee is Gatsby en kaartjies is R100.00 per persoon. Kaartjies sal eersdaags by die SAVF kantoor beskikbaar wees.
Belinda (Bam) van den Bergh is the speaker at the ladies' tea to be held at the Taste of Tzaneen Fest on Saturday, 4 November. The time is 11:00 and the venue is Fairview Hotel, bottom terrace. The topic of her talk will aptly be: Taste and see that the Lord is good! (Psalm 34:9)
Belinda and her husband, Johan van den Bergh, are often involved in women's, men's, teenagers' and marriage enrichment camps. She worked in the tourism industry for several years and managed a game farm/lodge. The Lord intervened in her life at that time and delivered her from many things, including herself, she testifies.
Belinda manages the books and administration of their business at home, which is in the Letsitele area. They have a son of their own, Joubert (2) and she loves his three children from his previous marriage as her own. They are JP (21), Kevin (18) and Simoné (17). Her vision for the future is to simply stay in God's will, go where He sends and do what He commands.
The Yadah dance group will enhance the ambience with a worshipful item. The ladies' tea theme will be GATSBY! Tickets will be available for purchase at R100.00 per person from the SAVF offices in Tzaneen soon.

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