Outline of Orthotics & Prosthetics
The application of all assistive device to assist mobility of all extremities and the application of all prosthetic limbs to assist mobility after amputation.
Mission Statement :
JJ Britz Orthotics & Prosthetics is dedicated to providing high quality of rehabilitation for our patients. We aim to deliver products of high quality and believe that our products will contribute to increased rehabilitation and mobility of our patients.
We are registered with the Medical Council as well as the Association for Orthotics and Prosthetics.
1. Upper extremity prosthetics
2. Lower extremity prosthetics
* Walking aids such as crutches, walking frames, quadropods
* Assistive devices such as leg splinting above & below knee calipers
* Thermo plastic spinal braces
* Thermo plastic ankle foot orthosis
* Foot orthotics custom made to size
* Compression hose, all sizes and classes to be fitted for varicose veins DVT, etc
* Shelve items such as corsets, ankle bracing, knee, hand , wrist shoulder neck supports
* Shoe modifications to accommodate total shortenings, re-alignments
JJ Britz Orthotics & Prosthetics, Podiatrist, Orthotist & Prosthetist Medical
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