Keep The Dream Children’s Life Skills Project has a comprehensive integrated model of training, care and support for all children particularly Orphan & Vulnerable children and their Caregivers. One which incorporates providing a safety net at all levels to assist the child to become resilient and an active member of their community. This model is child focused and assists the child to identify their strengths, to build on those strengths to overcome challenges so they can address their own needs and thereby building resilience for the future. Children are empowered to participate in activities and decisions that shape their lives; advocacy is an important component of the overall mission of the project.
Vision :
To see all children enter adulthood with holistic skills and abilities necessary to contribute effectively to the development of South Africa
Organisation Mission :
“Our mission is to assist children to overcome difficult life circumstances by building resilience, physically, emotionally, spiritually and psychologically, using a Right’s based framework, so they are able to realize their full potential and contribute to the building of South Africa.”
Organizations Main Projects :
This project is not a quick fix answer to the needs of children; rather it is a long term investment in the future to build the child holistically and sustainably to overcome not just the current situations they find themselves confronting but all the challenges that life has to present in the future.
1. Training
2. Support
3. Advocacy and Awareness Raising Activities

Keep The Dream 196, Volunteer Organisations, Welfare, Non-profit organisation, KTD196, Volunteers, Volunteering, training, supporting children, Advocacy and Awareness Raising Activities regarding children, Impact in depth, South Africans poverty, Children's Rights, Children's Responsibilities, involved with KTD, Keep the Dream
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