Events Calendar | iinfo TZANEEN

André Visagie

Featured upcoming artists in Tzaneen! Local is Lekker. We at IINFO are super excited about our town and the people of our town – but we have always had a soft spot for artists! This past year was difficult for everyone and we did survive! We evolved. We learned new skills and we are so proud to know that we as a community can stand together and have compassion with each and everyone.

Tzaneen finalis in Kwêla se Dorp van die Jaar kompetisie vir 2020

Ja, daar is hard gewerk en Tzaneeners is aangemoedig om te stem vir Tzaneen as Kwela se Dorp van die Jaar 2020 en sowaar ons het dit weer ‘n keer reggekry om gekies te word as Limpopo se finalis – WELGEDAAN aan almal wat bygedra het om ons dorp sover te kry! Ons het ‘n pragtige dorp en omgewing…. en verseker pragtige, talentvolle inwoners.

Polokwane Athletic Club

A running club with a difference.
The inaugural first running club in Polokwane (then Pietersburg) was formed in approximately 1971 and known as the Pietersburg Marathon Club. The Club staged the first marathon in Polokwane in 1972 and the race was run from Chuenespoort to the local cricket grounds.
During 1977 a second running club was formed to cater predominantly for juniors and long-distance track athletes. This Club was known as the Voete Athletic Club and chaired by Willem Smit

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