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Die Blyderivier (of Motlatserivier, wat beteken "permanente rivier", of Umdhlazi-rivier), is 'n rivier in die Mpumalanga en Limpopoprovinsies van Suid-Afrika. Dit vloei in 'n noordelike rigting deur steil valleie en klowe van die Drakensberg in Mpumalanga, voordat dit die Laeveld bereik in die Limpopoprovinsie. Dit het sy oorsprong op ongeveer 2000 m hoogte in die Hartebeesvlakte bewaringsgebied, ten noorde van die Long Tompas . Die Blyderivier en die Ohrigstadrivier se water vloei altwee in die Blyderivierspoortdam in. Heerlike rit, koud maar lekker.


‘n Tipiese vaal wintersdag by Mariepskop, ook Marepe of Maripekop genoem, is met sy hoogte van 1 947 m bo seevlak een van die hoogste pieke in die noordelike Drakensberg, [nota 1] en die hoogste punt van die Blyderivierspoort, Suid-Afrika. Dit is geleë by die aansluiting van drie bewaringsgebiede, naamlik die Mariepskop-bosreservaat, Mariepskop-staatsbos, en die Blyderivierspoort-natuurreservaat. Die bergtop word aan verskillende kante deur loodregte kranse begrens, en bestaan uit Proterosoïese sedimentêre gesteentes van die Transvaalse supergroep.

The Shoe

The Shoe close to Orighstad, was built in 1990 by Artist and Owner Ron van Zyl. Today The Shoe is an Art Gallery and a Museum open to the public to visit. The Shoe Guesthouse is located on the property where the Shoe is built. The Shoe Guesthouse consists of self-catering units and a Guesthouse. The Shoe has a great Tea Garden open during the day where you can eat great Burgers. The kitchen also caters for groups, events and Weddings. The Omega Cave - Ron van Zyl built a man-made Cave in which he explains and portrays a vision he had about the Spiritual world.

Moholoholo Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre

The Moholoholo Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre was established in 1991. Moholoholo Rehabilitation Centre is a sanctuary for abandoned, injured or poisoned animals. Amongst these are lions from an Egyptian circus, leopards, wild dogs, cheetahs, poisoned vultures, crowned eagles and other survivors. The Moholoholo Rehabilitation Centre is the only facility in southern Africa to successfully breed the endangered crowned eagle, and they have bred and released over 150 serval cats into areas where they had become extinct.

Jessica the Hippo

Her story began in March of 2000 when the combined Blyde and Olifants Rivers flooded and swept the newly born calf away from her mother. Fortunately, Jessica happened to end up on the property of Tonie and Shirley Joubert who, realising she was only a few hours old, took her in and created a milk formula to help her regain strength. From then, Jessica was a part of the family and even became friends with the couples’ dogs. As she wouldn’t survive on her own in the wild, she stayed with her ‘parents’ Tonie and Shirley.


The Klaserie Private Nature Reserve (KPNR) is one of the largest privately owned nature reserves in South Africa covering some 60 000 hectares and is part of the Greater Kruger National Park.. It is an entirely non-government organization involved in the full spectrum of Nature Conservation. Klaserie is a small town situated in the Limpopo province, on the R40, south of Hoedspruit. The Town's main tourist attraction is the Klaserie Nature Reserve. It is a privately owned nature reserve with a bushveld atmosphere, and forms part of the Great Kruger National Park.

Echo Caves

The Echo Caves in Limpopo, South Africa, are set in Precambrian dolomite rock, which was first laid down about 3800 million years ago, when Africa was still part of Gondwana. The caves are considered some of the oldest in the world. There are a number of speleothem structures in the cave; two of these are hollow stalactites which when hammered create echoes audible throughout and even outside the caves, thus the name of the caves. The caves are over 40 km long; regular tours are available for about 2 km of the tunnels and chambers.

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