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Modjadji Botanical Tour | iinfo Tzaneen

Walk through a forest of cycads centuries old. Visit Modjadji Cycads. It is unlikely that you will get the opportunity to see Modjadji, the Rain Queen or to observe any of the rituals surrounding the rain-making ceremonies, but you can visit the magnificent cycad forests that grow above the royal enclosure. The cycads are living fossils, and are survivors of a primeval plant group, the Cycadales, which was the dominant type of vegetation approximately 300 million years ago. The small reserve has the largest concentration of these ancient species of plants that have given rise to a great many mysteries and legends.  Even in the mid-day African heat, the forests have an evocative atmosphere. These plants are sacred to the Bolobedu people and have enjoyed the protection of Queen Modjadji for generations. A permit is required to own a Modjadji Palm.Modjadji Palms can be purchased from the nursery at the turn-off from the main road to the nature reserve.  The Baobab Tree This giant and ancient baobab at the Sunland Nursery, between Duiwelskloof and Ga-Kgapane, is the biggest specimen in the world. It has a circumference of 46,8m and carbon dating has determined its age at an astronomical 6000 years! The hollow inside of the tree has been cleverly converted into a bar. Get the opportunity to ride Tembo the Elephant

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