What was previously merely a hobby and a passion has turned into a fully-fledged wholesale nursery for Hilton and Liza Atherstone from Tzaneen, Limpopo.
From humble beginnings, they have bred and developed their extensive Clivia collection and have produced many award winning plants, winning the Northern (Pretoria) Clivia Show three years in succession and still have the record for the most awards at a single show in Pretoria. A bonus was winning the 2006 SA National Clivia Show hosted by the Northern Clivia Society. Their beautiful garden is the breeding ground for their landscape nursery and the commercial Clivia stock.
Plants are continuously upgraded in the garden and plantation areas to provide quality seed and plants for the nursery. Many Clivia enthusiasts have commented that they would only dare display such beautiful Clivias in their shade houses. The Clivia plantation has also rapidly expanded, providing quality plants for landscaping and nursery purposes. During flowering season, the Clivia in the garden and plantation aeas look spectacular !
Daylilies are available directly to the keen gardener, retail outlets and landscapers. [bagged and open ground option] all year round. Note : flowering time usually October - February, March, Peak flowering times may differ regionally. Daylilies transplant and travel exceptionally well.
Roumen Farms also has a vast collection of American Hybrids on display in their garden, and summertime is a riot of colour. There are also various commercial varieties available in landscape volumes.
Roumen Farms Wholesale Nursery is well known in Limpopo for their capacity to produce quality plants at competitive prices. High quality TOPIARIES from Short Balls to Full Standards are available. [in 5 litre,10 litre and 20 litre]
Other Landscape/Retail Options Available:
- TOPIAIRIES-high quality.One of “best sellers”
- Euphoria Tirucalli “Firesticks”: 2 litre to 20 litre
- Durantas: 2 litre 4 litre and 10 litre shrubs – see “Topiaries“ for quality feature plants.
- Tulbaghia Violacea: bags and open ground splits for landscape projects
- Tulbaghia “ Silver Lace”- bags and open ground splits for landscape projects
- Sanseveria Hahni: bags and splits
- Crocosmia Aurea “Falling Stars”: Bags and Bulbs available
- Bulbine Frutescens: bags and splits
- Euphorbia Tirucalli “Firesticks”- stunning feature plants available
- Aloe Brevifolia
- Euphorbia Trigona: 5 litre – 20 litre excellent quality
- Torch Ginger (Red): Etlingera Elatior - great for cutflowers- grows sun/semi-shade